GCC on UNIX platforms (and
similar systems)
cd libharu-X.X.X
Run configure script. (If the configure script does not work well,
use custom-built makefiles in the "script" directory.)
When you build haru for creating ruby extension library on linux platforms, run configure script with following command.
./configure --cflags=-fPIC
Build library and install.
make install
Type "make demo" to test library. If it succeeds, some PDF files are
made in the demo directory.
Windows platforms (except
cd libharu-X.X.X
There are several kinds of Makefile for every compilers in script
Build library with an appropriate Makefile.
1) Microsoft VC++ Compiler
2) Bor land C++
If you want to create DLL, use Makefile.msvc_dll (or Makafile.bcc32_dll) instead.
Type following commands to test library. If it succeeds, some PDF
files are
made in the demo directory.
In Windows environment, Install command is not prepared.
1) Microsoft VC++ Compiler
2) Bor land C++
If you use "Visual Studio .NET", use "Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt" to build Haru. But some warnings about optimizing may occur because of the compiler included in "Visual Studio .NET" does not have an optimizing feature.
We can also use "Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003" and "Microsoft Platform SDK" instead. The compiler of "Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003" supports optimizing feature.
cd libharu-X.X.X
Run configure script. If you want to make libharu using MinGW on
cygwin, add
"--nocygwin" as argument.
"--nocygwin" options is not required in MinGW on MSYS.
Build library and install. The default install path is
/usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib.
Type "make demo" to test library. If it succeeds, some PDF files are
made in the demo directory.
Other Platforms
If you succeed at making Haru on other platforms, please send me your make-files.