Haru Free PDF Library
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How to use


The typical program flow of Haru is as follows.


Initializing a document object

First, invoke HPDF_New() or HPDF_NewEx() to create an instance of document object.
You can specify user-defined error function on this step. If you want to use user-define memory memory management function, use HPDF_NewEx().
The Handle which is returned from HPDF_New() or HPDF_NewEx() is used in the following steps.
You can call setjmp() for an exception handling after HPDF_New() succeed. (See the chapter of "Error Handling")

#include "apdf.h"

  HPDF_Doc pdf;

  pdf = HPDF_New (error_handler, NULL);
  if (!pdf) {
      printf ("ERROR: cannot create pdf object.\n");
      return 1;

  if (setjmp(env)) {
      HPDF_Free (pdf);
      return 1;

Setting a document object

Set attributes of  compression, encryption, page mode and pages tree if necessary.

  /* set compression mode */
  HPDF_SetCompressionMode (pdf, HPDF_COMP_ALL);

  /* set page mode to use outlines. */

  /* set password */
  HPDF_SetPassword (pdf, "owner", "user");

Create a page object

 Call HPDF_AddPage() to add a page to the document. The page-handle which is returned by HPDF_AddPage() function is used to operate a page.
  page_1 = HPDF_AddPage (pdf);

When you want to insert a new page before an existing page, call HPDF_InsertPage(). For example, in the case of inserting "page_0" before "page_1", the code is as follows.

  page_0 = HPDF_InsertPage (pdf, page_1);

Setting a page object

Set attributes of the page object if necessary.


Page description

You can perform drawing processing for a page. For details, please refer to a chapter of "Graphics".

Save a document to file or memory stream.

Call HPDF_SaveToFile() to save a document to a file.

  /* save the document to a file */
  HPDF_SaveToFile (pdf, "test.pdf");

If you don't want to save a document to a file, use HPDF_SaveToStream() instead. HPDF_SaveToStream() saves a document to a temporary stream.
An application can get the data saved by HPDF_SaveToStream() by invoking HPDF_ReadFromStream().
The following codes are examples of outputting the document directly to stdout.

  /* save the document to a stream */
  HPDF_SaveToStream (pdf);
  fprintf (stderr, "the size of data is %d\n", HPDF_GetStreamSize(pdf));

  /* rewind the stream. */
  HPDF_ResetStream (pdf);

  /* get the data from the stream and output it to stdout. */
  for (;;) {
      HPDF_BYTE buf[4096];
      HPDF_UINT32 siz = 4096;
      HPDF_STATUS ret = HPDF_ReadFromStream (pdf, buf, &siz);

      if (siz == 0)

      if (fwrite (buf, siz, 1, stdout) != 1) {
          fprintf (stderr, "cannot write to stdout", siz, wsiz);

Create next document

If you want to create next document, call HPDF_NewDoc().
HPDF_NewDoc() create a new document after revoking a current document.
   HPDF_NewDoc (pdf); 

Finalization and cleanup

After all processes are finished, call HPDF_Free() to free all resources which belong to the document object.

   /* cleanup */
   HPDF_Free (pdf);