Compile Your Program
1. Static
If you installed Haru as a static library, a
typical command for compiling on gcc is as follows.
"-lm" option is not required according to the version of gcc.
"-lpng" option is not required when a program does not use a png image.
"-mno-cygwin" option is required to use MinGW on cygwin.
If include files and libhpdf.a are in a directory that the compiler and linker cannot find out, add -I and -L options.
For example,
gcc -o myprogram -O2 -Wall myprogram.c -lhpdf
-lpng -lz -lm
"-lm" option is not required according to the version of gcc.
"-lpng" option is not required when a program does not use a png image.
"-mno-cygwin" option is required to use MinGW on cygwin.
If include files and libhpdf.a are in a directory that the compiler and linker cannot find out, add -I and -L options.
For example,
gcc -o myprogram -O2 -Wall myprogram.c -L../../
-I../include -lhpdf
-lpng -lz -lm
2. Shared
If you installed Haru as a shared library, you
have to add "-DHPDF_SHARED" option to compiling command.
If include files and libhpdf.a are in a directory that the compiler and linker cannot find out, add -I and -L options.
For example,
If you use MinGW, use "-DHPDF_DLL" instead of "-DHPDF_SHARED".
gcc -o myprogram -O2 -Wall myprogram.c -DHPDF_SHARED -lhpdf
-lpng -lz -lm
If include files and libhpdf.a are in a directory that the compiler and linker cannot find out, add -I and -L options.
For example,
If you use MinGW, use "-DHPDF_DLL" instead of "-DHPDF_SHARED".
gcc -o myprogram -O2 -Wall myprogram.c -L../../
-I../include -DHPDF_SHARED -lhpdf
-lpng -lz -lm
3. Compiling
programs in C++
The compiling command for a C++ is almost the
same as C except for adding "-lstdc++".
gcc -o myprogram -O2 -Wall myprogram.c -lhpdf
-lpng -lz -lm -lstdc++
Microsoft VC++
1. Static
If you installed Haru as a static library, a
typical command for compiling on VC++ is as follows.
The following options must be changed depending on your environment.
In the default setting, Haru is configured to link with LIBCMT.LIB.
Because of "hpdf_*.h" and header files for zlib/pnglib are required to compile a program, add "include" and "win32\include" directory to the list of directories to be searched for header files.
To link libhpdf.lib, zlib.lib, libpng.lib, it needs to add directories of these files to the list of directories to be searched for library files.
cl -Femyprogram.exe -MT -O2 -Iinclude -Iwin32\include
myprogram.c /link /LIBPATH:.
/LIBPATH:win32\msvc libhpdf.lib libpng.lib zlib.lib
The following options must be changed depending on your environment.
In the default setting, Haru is configured to link with LIBCMT.LIB.
libpng.lib and zlib.lib provided in win32\msvc directory are configured using LIBCMT.LIB. If you want to use MSVCRTXX, you should builed libpng.lib and zlib.lib yourself with -MD option.
libpng.lib and zlib.lib provided in win32\msvc directory are configured using LIBCMT.LIB. If you want to use MSVCRTXX, you should builed libpng.lib and zlib.lib yourself with -MD option.
Because of "hpdf_*.h" and header files for zlib/pnglib are required to compile a program, add "include" and "win32\include" directory to the list of directories to be searched for header files.
To link libhpdf.lib, zlib.lib, libpng.lib, it needs to add directories of these files to the list of directories to be searched for library files.
If you prepare libpng.lib and zlib.lib yourself (dont use the files in win32\msvc directory), change this directive.
If you prepare libpng.lib and zlib.lib yourself (dont use the files in win32\msvc directory), change this directive.
2. Shared
If you installed Haru as a shared library(.DLL),
typical command for compiling is as follows.
-DHPDF_DLL directive must be add to compile a program which uses libhpdf.dll.
cl -Femyprogram.exe -MT -O2 -Iinclude -DHPDF_DLL myprogram.c /link /LIBPATH:. libhpdf_dll.lib
-DHPDF_DLL directive must be add to compile a program which uses libhpdf.dll.